Goobric: Google Docs Rubric Script

My last two posts have been about using gClassFolders to set up assignment folders for your students and using Doctopus to make digitally copies of an assignment and distribute it to each student’s assignment folder. The third step in this process is to use Goobric, a part of Doctopus, to provide feedback to your students via a rubric. Goobric only works when you have used Doctopus to distribute the student assignment files.


You will only need to do this process once.

1. Use the Chrome browser and install the Goobric extension.


2. Open any Doctopus file for an assignment. (Look for one in the Teacher folder for a course.)
3. Click the Goobric icon in the address bar and click the link to authorize it.


You will follow these steps for each assignment.

1. Create/Upload the rubric as a spreadsheet to Google Drive. (Or, if this isn’t your first time and you already have the appropriate rubric in Google Drive you can skip this step.) I would put this rubric in the Teacher folder for the course. (Rubrics created with Rubistar can be downloaded as spreadsheet files but will need a few edits to get in the correct format.)


2. Open the Doctopus distribution file for the assignment. It should be in the Teacher folder for the course.
3. Use the Doctopus menu to attach the rubric to this Doctopus distribution File.



4. Access the RosterSheet and click the link to the assignment that you want to grade.linktograde

5. Click the Goobric icon in the address bar to locate the associated rubric.


6. Score the assignment by entering the numbers in the boxes. Do not click outside of the rubric pop-up window or it will disappear and you will have to start over. You can type in comments and choose to email the completed rubric to the students. When you click the Submit and Paste to Doc button, the completed rubric will be pasted into the student’s assignment.


These scores will also be added to the appropriate columns in the RosterSheet of your Doctopus distribution file, along with any comments.

If the student responds to your feedback and you want to grade the assignment again, just repeat the process. It will paste the second rubric below the first one in the student’s file, documentating growth. It will also overwrite the scores in the RosterSheet of the Doctopus file.

Here’s an excellent video that leads you through these steps with greater detail.

2 thoughts on “Goobric: Google Docs Rubric Script

  1. This looks like a really thorough how-to, thanks! I heard of Goobrics on a podcast, I think, but haven’t tried it yet.
    Big potential problem: You can’t look back at the student work while you’re grading it? That seems to be what “don’t click outside the rubric or you will have to start over” implies. That means I would have to use a paper copy of the rubric first to decide on the grades for each of the criteria, and then go through the steps to put them in digitally. Not at all time-saving, it would add an extra step. :-/ Disappointing. But perhaps it will update in the future to work more seamlessly, or maybe I’m misunderstanding.

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